2016 DOPE Magazine Industry Awards: Best Testing Facility

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We at Confidence are honored to receive the 2016 DOPE Magazine Industry Award for Best Testing Facility. We are proud to have shared the list of category nominees with Integrity Labs, and Analytical 360, and we’re grateful for the efforts of Dope Magazine in their continued efforts and support of medical and recreational Cannabis across the country.

It is a powerful thing to be recognized by one’s peers in this way, and it makes us take notice: as our industry continues to mature, it also continues to come together in very promising ways. Each day we talk to Producers and Processors, Retailers, and tertiary industry reps who recognize that this is the time when collaboration is more profitable and powerful than competition. This very notion is bringing participants together at every point in the supply chain; from soil engineer to retail consumer, we are beginning to solidify the long-term sustainability of our industry by working together. We thank all of you for your votes, but we are most thankful for your continued collaboration and efforts to make Washington’s Cannabis Industry the best in the nation.


-The Confidence Analytics Team

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