Cannabis Testing Lab Consistency Through Data

Pat ReynoldsGeneral1 Comment

How Can You Ensure Consistency in Testing Cannabis? Data. 

Our friends at Leafly are hard at work building and organizing testing lab data that will help consumers choose the cannabis products they want, instead of playing the guessing game that a lot of people find themselves engaged in at the dispensary. One of the reasons that Leafly partners with Confidence is because of the consistency and accuracy of the data we collect. As our customers build up their testing data with us, the data around their products becomes more robust and therefore more useful and informative to Leafly’s efforts.

A recent feature by Leafly about our customer Gabriel demonstrates why robust data is meaningful. The author (Dante Jordan) expresses his admiration not just for the quality of the flower, but for the consistency of the product from store to store and across different harvests. Even though Dante has personal experience of Gabriel’s quality, he can also see their consistency just from looking at their data – when test after test comes back showing the same results every time the reliability of the product is evident for all to see.

To quote Tony Bacon, co-founder of Gabriel: “We trust Confidence Analytics to provide us accurate data for ourselves and the consumer. We used multiple testing labs during our first year-and-a-half in business and now solely rely on the consistency that Confidence provides us – this helps us to check our work and stay as consistent as possible on our end.

gabriel cannabis testing lab analytics consistency

Comprehensive, on-going testing is not only useful to Leafly and consumers, it can also be informative for producers. Getting the same result over and over again is reassurance that your grow is behaving the way you want it to. If results start to drift out of line compared to historical data, that can be an early warning of a problem – and an opportunity to fix it before it affects your crop.

Are you getting the best possible value from your analytics data?

To learn more about the image at the top of this post, click through to read the Leafly article.

One Comment on “Cannabis Testing Lab Consistency Through Data”

  1. Greetings,I am seeking information on how to get a topical cream I have made tested..I have done a field study for two years and the results are just amazing.. Seeing the relief I have experienced, now others drives me even harder to have it
    tested,to see just how wonderful and simple my discovery truly is.There are many topicals on the market but this one is unique, not the same.Any information or help in guiding me in my quest to heal would be greatly appreciated.. Let’s help relieve pain..THANK YOU..S.BROOKS

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