Homegrown Cannabis in Washington?

Stephanie ReillyGeneralLeave a Comment

Homegrown Cannabis in Washington.

Homegrown Cannabis PlantIs homegrown cannabis headed our way?

Last week our own Lara Kaminsky, Program Director at Confidence Analytics, caught some press! Lara, in her capacity as the Government Affairs Liaison for the non-profit (501-c-6) The Cannabis Alliance, testified (virtually) in front of the Washington State House Commerce & Gaming Committee. WHY? Once again the legislature is debating and considering homegrown cannabis for the adult (21+) population (see HB-1019 for further detail). Washington state is considering a 6 plant per person – or a 15 plant maximum in a shared household – allowance.  And besides age, the state would regulate site view.

To date, ten states with legalized recreational cannabis also permit a regulated amount of cannabis grown at home. Today, Washington only permits the medical cannabis sector (cannabis patients) to grow at home.  

Legislative Supporters AND NOT.

The Cannabis Alliance is in support of this legislation: seeing it as a reasonable opportunity for consumers to become more learned, and discerning, in their cannabis choices.  (THC ain’t the only thing that matters!) Retailers too seem in favor. WHY? Lara told me: “Well, if it plays out like craft brewing and other boutique industries, consumers may find it “isn’t that simple.””  Or, it may show that cannabis really is nuanced: again THC is not all that matters! And information suggests that homegrown cannabis will not interfere with state revenue.

There are opponents to this bill including the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs which cited fear of crime and kid access as problematic. The Association views, as well as Lara’s testimony ( a brief snippet at least) – and other information – can be seen in the KIRO 7 report which covered this topic. (Check it out here.)

Where WE fit in.

Confidence Analytics’ contribution to the legal cannabis industry is to provide accurate testing of the plant and developed products. Regardless of where it starts or lands (the plant, that is) – grower, manufacturer, patient – or a homegrown cannabis entusiast – Confidence is  available for testing.


The Cannabis Alliance: is a non-profit, membership-based association of individuals, businesses, government officials, and non-profit organizations dedicated to the advancement of a vital, ethical, and sustainable cannabis industry.

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