Pesticide Testing: Where We Stand

Pat ReynoldsGeneralLeave a Comment

What you need to know

The WSLCB has opened up a CR101 rulemaking regarding pesticide testing. Public comment period is now. The LCB have outlined the reasons for this rulemaking, which include:

  • Seek more alignment with DOH’s Compliant Products Rules (i.e. differences in lot vs. harvest sampling)
  • Increase efficiencies in testing adult-use and compliant products
  • Increase the availability of compliant products
  • Changes in requirements in other states have prompted further review of WSLCB rules for potential adjustment
  • The patient community would like to see additional product types or levels of potency that are not currently supported by the regulatory structure
Our view on the issue

Quality Assurance is important to both consumer safety and the Washington cannabis industry’s reputation. Our mission as a QA lab is to support broad access to safe, clean cannabis at affordable prices. The current testing rules in Washington state are too costly for farmers and manufacturers and do not provide adequate protections for consumers.

What we are advocating for

We are advocating for rules aimed at reducing the cost AND improving the quality of testing. We believe that more rigorous testing on fewer samples would simultaneously lower the cost and improve the outcomes.

If the cost of testing goes down, isn’t that bad for the lab business?

No, not necessarily. QA rule changes which result in fewer samples but more rigorous testing is good for every competent lab. Confidence Analytics is capable of more rigor and our lab is among the most technologically sophisticated cannabis labs in the state. If the technical requirements placed on labs increase in rigor, then Confidence’s market share will increase proportionally. We will therefore be able to provide better services at a lower price to our customers, who can then pass on savings to the consumer – along with a safer product.

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