The Choicest Lab Samples on Instagram

Pat ReynoldsGeneralLeave a Comment

Allow us to introduce you – internet, this is @lab_samples, our companion Instagram profile. @lab_samples is dedicated to sharing what we consider to be the most visually appealing and choicest lab samples our customers present to us for analysis.

Every sample we test is photographed for our records. With appropriate permission from our customers, we are sharing those sample photos with many hashtag communities on Instagram. Hashtags can also be used as a way to navigate the stream by terpene profile, producer, processor or strain.

Periodically, we will include informational posts on the stream. These will stand out with text in the image, and will help the reader understand more about the complex chemistry behind the wonderful flowers and concentrates on display. Today, we present our first informational post on the @lab_samples stream: What Are Terpenes?

If you would like to participate, simply click here to start the process. Please note that apart from testing fees, Confidence Analytics accepts no payment for this love. All ‘choicest lab samples’ decisions are made by Confidence Analytics staff. You can opt out at any time. Batteries not included. Objects in mirror may be closer than they appear.

Please follow our main Instagram profile (@confidence_analytics) to learn more about our lab in general, and keep up to date with us and our industry on Twitter (@ConfAnalytics) and Facebook (

Read more about terpenes here.

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