Uncured flower samples

Pat ReynoldsGeneralLeave a Comment


Going forward, we are changing our policy on uncured (wet) flower samples for pesticide testing: we are no longer able to accept them uncured.


With our recent price drop on pesticide screening, we’ve seen an increase in the number of wet flower samples that we receive. Previously, it was a rare occurrence, so we would let the samples air-dry overnight as a courtesy to our customers. Doing this takes up space and adds extra complexities to sample tracking. With the hot summer, we’re also seeing mold forming quickly on wet samples – this is a contamination risk both to our staff and to other customers. In addition, curing is a producer/processor activity – and we’re not licensed for that.


If you do have fresh or wet flower material, we ask that you dry it to the moisture level of cured flower – less than 15% moisture – before sending it to us as a sample. Our drivers check all flower samples at pickup time, and if any are wet they will be unable to transport them.

We regret any inconvenience this policy change may cause, but overall we feel this is a change for the better.


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